J.J. Lee

Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Doctoral Degree, Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology
- Master's Degree, Civil Engineering, Utah State University
- Bachelor's Degree, Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
Ph.D., 1970, California Institute of Technology
M.S., 1967, Utah State University
B.S., 1962, National Taiwan University
Research Summary
* Hydraulics
* Water Resources Engineering
* Coastal Engineering
- 2016 The Environmental and Water Resources Institute, ASCE Best Paper Award
- 2011 AWWA (American Water Work Association) Best Paper Award for the Year 2011
- 1995 USC School of Engineering/TRW Corporation Excellent in Teaching Award for 1995
- 1990 National Chi-Epsilon Honor Society for the Pacific District Excellence in Teaching Award for the Pacific District
- 1974 USC Civil Engineering Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Award, David M. Wilson Associates
- 1973 National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award
- 1962 National Taiwan University Liu-Young Environmental Engineering Fellowship
- Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- KAP 224A
- Kaprielian Hall
- 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
- USC Mail Code: 2531
Contact Information
- (213) 740-7865
- jjlee@usc.edu