Master's Student Resources
The information below is intended to assist you with the transition to graduate school at USC.
First and foremost please complete the Intent to Enroll form and submit it. It is important for you to reserve your space in the entering class.
For registration dates and deadlines, click here.
Maps and Directions
To be sure you arrive here safely and can find the important locations on the University campus. For directions to USC and campus maps, click here.
If you have any specific questions, you may contact your assigned advisor, Christine Hsieh (CEE Graduate Advisor) at or via phone at 213-740-0573.
International Student Test of English (ISE test)
****Required of all new international students unless formally waived. ***
For important information, please visit The American Language Institute. International students who have to take the International Student Test of English must do so before registering for classes. They can receive departmental advisement before taking the test.

Graduate and professional students comprise nearly half of the total student body at the University of Southern California and engage in a wide variety of academic disciplines. In welcoming you to the community of scholars and teachers at USC, we would like to invite you to participate in the university-wide Graduate Student Orientation, which will be held at the beginning of the Fall term.
Graduate Student Orientation will provide you information to help begin your graduate studies at USC. The orientation brings together a series of conference-style workshops that cover a variety of services, programs, and issues of interest to graduate students. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your graduate experience at USC.
Your academic unit may also hold its own orientation session to introduce you to the specifics of your department; please contact your academic advisor or academic department for more information. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the Trojan Family.


Registration is required for the Graduate Student Orientation program. Your registration and payment must be received by the Office of Orientation. You may register for the Graduate Student Orientation program by any of the following methods:
Visit the Orientation website. You may register online and pay for your Orientation registration fee by credit card (Visa or MasterCard only).
Print out the Orientation registration form, which is attached to this email and may also be found on the Orientation website. Mail the completed registration form to our office with a check or money order for your Orientation registration fee.
Print out the Orientation registration form, which is attached to this email and can also be found on the Orientation website. Fax to our office a copy of the completed registration form and bring to Orientation your check or money order for your Orientation registration fee.

There is a $15 registration fee for students attending the Graduate Student Orientation. This fee covers the cost of lunch and parking for the day.
All new domestic graduate and professional students are assessed a one-time $25 mandatory Graduate Orientation Fee. All new international graduate and professional students are assessed a one-time $135 Orientation Fee. This fee will appear on your USC fee bill and is covered by financial aid. This fee is separate from our Graduate Student Orientation fee. Please do NOT send in payment for this fee with your Graduate Student Orientation registration. In addition to Graduate Student Orientation, this fee goes toward special services and programs for new students, including fall welcoming activities and university publications throughout your enrollment at USC.