Astani CEE Doctoral Student Advisement

Supporting your academic success every step of the way.

This page contains advisement information and policy reminders for current Astani CEE Doctoral students. If you have additional questions, please reach out to your advisor on the AdviseUSC platform. For directions, please see Advisement.

Enrollment and Policies

    Full-Time Enrollment Status
    • A PhD student is considered to be enrolled full-time when registered for six (6) or more units.
      • CEE PhD students typically enroll in 6-8 units/semester
    International students
    • You may be required to take ALI courses based on your ITA exam results.  These courses count toward your fulltime enrollment minimum but do not count toward the minimum number of units needed to graduate with your doctoral degree.


    • The minimum number of units for a doctoral degree is 60
    • 2/3 Rule: At least two-thirds of the units applied toward the degree (including transfer work and not including 794 (Dissertation Classes)) must be at the 500 level or higher. 
      • 100, 200, and 300-level courses are considered undergraduate courses and do not count toward a graduate degree.   
      • 400-level courses are undergraduate courses but count toward a doctoral degree provided it conforms with the two-thirds rule
    Photo of the Viterbi School of Engineering
Registration, D-Clearance, and Pre-Req Waivers

Course Selection 

In the CEE Department PhDs work directly with the faculty advisor to identify courses they ought to enroll in.  Consult your faculty advisor to discuss your fall enrollment. All courses must be approved by your faculty advisor each term.  You will work with your faculty advisor to discuss your course enrollment every semester. The student/faculty advisor relationship is vital to ensuring that you are taking appropriate courses each term and making progress toward your PhD goals and milestones.

Web Registration

Most students register for their courses through an online tool called Web Registration. For more support on registration, please visit the Registrar's website.

Do you need D-Clearance?
  • If a course section number ends in "R" (ex: 00000R)  → No. For all courses that end in “R” you may register directly without departmental approval.
  • If a course section number ends in “D” (ex: 00000D)  → Yes. All courses that end in D require need D-Clearance. See section below for D-Clearance Request Instructions.
How to Request D-Clearance
  • Click the button below to see full instructions.

Pre-requisite Waivers
  • Some courses have pre-requisite requirements. These are courses/prior knowledge that is required to be successful in the course.

  • Click below to see the full instruction for request a Pre-Requisite Waiver.

Graduate transfer credit

If you have coursework you wish to be evaluated for transfer credit, review the see the Degree Progress website for more instructions.

It's recommended you complete this process during the first year at USC.

Account Holds

Holds may be placed on your account by a variety of offices at the University.

You can check if you have a hold on your record via → OASIS → RESTRICTIONS.

Prior Degree Verification: Deadline for all degree verifications is by the end of your first semester. See the Degree Progress website for more instructions.

The following table lists common holds that students may have on their student account and the removal procedure:





Restricts registration and USCard application

(prevents registration)

Complete Immigration Status Verification (ISV) with OIS upon arrival in the U.S.


Degree Verification

(allows registration)

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

Deadline for all degree verifications is by the end of your first semester.

If you are unable to complete verification within your first semester, this hold will become ADM 41.

ADM 41

Degree Verification

(prevents registration)

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

This hold will prevent registration until verification is complete. Department advisors cannot lift holds.


Conditional Admission
(note - allows registration)

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

ADM 21

Conditional Admission
(prevents registration)

See your Admission Letter for any specific conditions.

You should contact once grades post to determine if you met the admission conditions.

Your academic advisor/student services cannot lift any collection/financial holds. Please contact USC Financial Services if you have a collection or financial hold.

Account Holds

Holds may be placed on your account by a variety of offices at the University. You can check if you have a hold on your record via → OASIS → RESTRICTIONS.

Prior Degree Verification: Deadline for all degree verifications is by the end of your first semester. See the Degree Progress website for more instructions.

The following table lists common holds that students may have on their student account and the removal procedure:






Restricts registration and USCard application

(prevents registration)

How to remove it?

Complete Immigration Status Verification (ISV) with OIS upon arrival in the U.S.

Restricts registration and USCard application

(prevents registration)

Complete Immigration Status Verification (ISV) with OIS upon arrival in the U.S.



Degree Verification

(allows registration)

How to remove it?

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

Deadline for all degree verifications is by the end of your first semester.

If you are unable to complete verification within your first semester, this hold will become ADM 41.

Degree Verification

(allows registration)

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

Deadline for all degree verifications is by the end of your first semester.

If you are unable to complete verification within your first semester, this hold will become ADM 41.

ADM 41


Degree Verification

(prevents registration)

How to remove it?

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

This hold will prevent registration until verification is complete. Department advisors cannot lift holds.

Degree Verification

(prevents registration)

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

This hold will prevent registration until verification is complete. Department advisors cannot lift holds.



Conditional Admission
(note - allows registration)

How to remove it?

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

Conditional Admission
(note - allows registration)

Verify previous degree(s) with USC Office of Degree Progress.

ADM 21


Conditional Admission
(prevents registration)

How to remove it?

See your Admission Letter for any specific conditions.

You should contact once grades post to determine if you met the admission conditions.

Conditional Admission
(prevents registration)

See your Admission Letter for any specific conditions.

You should contact once grades post to determine if you met the admission conditions.



Advisement Hold

How to remove it?

Every semester masters students are required to attend or watch the record of the group advisement session. The hold will be lifted once the video is viewed to its entirety. Please do not reach out to your department advisor regarding your ENGR 01 hold. They are processed periodically throughout the week.

Advisement Hold

Every semester masters students are required to attend or watch the record of the group advisement session. The hold will be lifted once the video is viewed to its entirety. Please do not reach out to your department advisor regarding your ENGR 01 hold. They are processed periodically throughout the week.

Your academic advisor/student services cannot lift any collection/financial holds. Please contact USC Financial Services if you have a collection or financial hold.


The Astani Student Affairs Team supports the holistic development of students and fosters academic success.

                         Meet Your Advisor!

Christine Hsieh, Associate Director, CEE Graduate Student Services

Connect with Your Advisor via Advise USC

If you need to speak with your advisor, please reach out to them via the Advise USC platform. In instances when the platform is facing technical difficulties, please reach out to CEE Student Affairs (

Below are resources to assist you with accessing Advise USC.

How to Connect with Your Advisor

Advise USC Platform

Use your USC Shibboleth login at to access the Advise USC Platform.

Qualifying Exam
Are you  ready for the Qualifying Exam?

Action Items
  • Submit the appointment of committee form at least 30 days before the exam date.
  • Set date of the exam
    • message Christine with the date/time
    • you may submit the committee form prior to the exam date being settled.
  • Reserve room or set up zoom for
  • If quals are passed before the add/drop deadline for the spring semester - enroll in CE 794a in the spring
    • Enroll in 794b in the next semester
    • Once 794b is in progress you are eligible to defend.
  • Set up an appointment with Christine to discuss defending and completing your dissertation Learn more here.
Exam Details

The Qualifying Exam, is a private meeting of the student with a committee, proceeds as follows:

  • Committee confers
  • Student gives 30–40 min. presentation (including both prior research and the proposal for the remainder of program)
  • Questions from the committee members
  • Committee confers

Prior to the exam: A written qualifying exam report, detailing the research completed and the proposal for the remainder of the Ph.D., should be submitted to the committee members two weeks* before the Qualifying Exam.

  • Check in with your committee to verify that this time-frame works

A total of five members make up a qualifying exam committee, including the advisor and at least four tenure/tenure-track faculty members. The Department Chair and Dean approve the committee or request changes to the committee composition. Students should form their committee the semester before their defense.

The committee consists of five members, composed of the following: